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The University of Southampton
Sustainability Science

Complex Socio-Ecological Systems- Modelling Time-Series Meeting Event

Analysing tephra in Patagonia
14:00 - 17:00
25 September 2012
Shackleton Building no 44, room 2103, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton.

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Alison Simmance on +44 (0) 23 8059 3244 or email .

Event details

Sustainability Science at Southampton 'Modelling Time-Series' meeting. An informal meeting for those interested in discussing different approaches to modelling time-series - statistical, monitored, palaeo data. The meeting relates to the SSS research theme 'Complex Socio-Ecological Systems'.

Modelling Time-Series

An informal meeting for those interested in discussing different approaches to modelling time-series ­ - statistical, monitored, palaeo data. The meeting is prompted by recent research in Geography and the Environment where we have applied different techniques to palaeoecological data in order to answer three types of questions:

  1. Do my data show a critical transition, threshold, tipping point, step change in other words a statistically significant (phase) shift from one state to another?
  2. Can my response time series (eg. vegetation change) be explained as a complex response to multiple drivers (e.g. climate and human activity)?
  3. Can my response time-series be used to forecast the recent future based on the structure of the existing time-series (e.g. moving average, cyclicity)?


All staff and PGRs are welcome to contribute to discussions - expert and non-experts.

The meeting is run by Professor John Dearing (Co-Chair of SSS) and Dr James Dyke.

Please register for the meeting by contacting the Sustainability Science at Southampton research co-ordinator Alison Simmance:

For the latest news and events about SSS, follow us on twitter @SustainScience

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