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The University of Southampton

Ismael Iess Falcon Meng Ship Science 2020, Spanish

Ismael Iess Falcon's Photo

University of Southampton´s Ship Science degree is among the best in the world of its kind

Why did you choose to study at the University of Southampton?

I thought studying abroad would increase my job opportunities in the future, so bearing in mind University of Southampton´s Ship Science degree is among the best in the world of its kind, I decided to study the degree here.

What were your first impressions of the University of Southampton?

I wasn´t really happy with the weather but that's something I got used to relatively quickly. I was quite surprised by the amount of buildings in Highfield campus. The first week I felt lost because I didn´t know any of the buildings and I´m quite bad at reading maps so I´d say I struggled to get to some of the first lectures.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

Boldrewood campus, because there are lots of researches going on in there so wherever you go you might see a car, an airplane wing, a foil and lots of interesting things. The facilities as well are quite impressive.

Would you recommend the University of Southampton to students from your home country? If so, why?

Totally yes because its a completely different learning experience and I would say more enjoyable than the learning experience provided by most Spanish universities.

What will you do with your degree after you have finished your studies?

I´d like to focus on my sailing career, maybe sail new boats and try different things like foiling boats or skiffs.

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Studying abroad might be difficult at the beginning: new country, new language, new people, new everything. But if you are able to keep yourself busy, before you realize you´ll be on your graduation day.

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