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The University of Southampton
Airbus Noise Technology Centre

About us

The Airbus Noise Technology Centre (ANTC) was opened in November 2008 at the University of Southampton. It is the result of a long standing collaboration between Airbus and the University of Southampton on a range of noise research and development projects.

The immediate goal of the ANTC is to try and meet the industry's target of cutting perceived noise in half by 2020 and to eliminate all noise nuisance outside airport boundaries, as set out by the Advisory Council for Aviation Research an Innovation in Europe. This requires a doubling of the previous rate of progress, and requires advanced research and development across a range of new technologies.

The Centre brings together academic staff, research fellows and PhD students using state-of-the-art computer simulations and wind tunnel testing to develop new noise reduction concepts. Undergraduate students also work with the research team, providing exciting projects to inspire the next-generation of engineers for industry.

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