Dr Elaine Morris
Visiting Fellow

Dr Elaine Morris is a Visiting Fellow in Archaeology at the University of Southampton.
I received my BA in Anthropology and Archaeology from Cornell University and my PhD on salt and ceramic exchange in western Britain during the first millennium BC from the University of Southampton (supervisor, Prof. David Peacock). My earlier professional work was focussed on the analysis of post-Roman pottery from rescue excavations in Shropshire, Staffordshire and Worcestershire for the West Midlands Rescue Archaeology Committee. Subsequently I worked as a self-employed post-excavation and prehistoric pottery specialist and then Finds Manager for Wessex Archaeology from 1985-1993. I managed the Later Prehistoric Pottery Collections Gazetteer, a database register and bibliography of later prehistoric pottery collections in England, funded by English Heritage which is available for access via the Archaeological Data Service (ADS).
I am co-founder, past Chair, and Committee Member of the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group.