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The University of Southampton
Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body

Our commitment to the 3Rs at the University of Southampton

The 3Rs:

The University of Southampton is committed to the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) in all areas of research and teaching using animals. As a university we strive to replace animal research with alternatives wherever possible, reduce the number of animals used and refine experiments, housing and care to minimise harms and improve animal welfare.

Staff and researchers who look after animals are responsible for their care and welfare, though the Establishment Licence Holder (ELH) has overall responsibility. The continued promotion and implementation of the 3Rs principles is in the best interest of animal welfare, students, animal technologists, researchers and science. We also recognise that the public expects us to conduct humane and responsible researbe open about our animal use.

The university's Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB) plays a vital role in advising on and promoting the 3Rs.

The AWERB has appointed a team of researchers and technical staff as university 3Rs champions, who help raise awareness of the 3Rs and facilitate their further implementation across the university. This group organises a biennial 3Rs symposium where researchers and externals present and discuss ethics, 3Rs innovations and research. The group also runs an annual internal 3Rs award competition, open to everyone within the university, applications for this competition are judged by members of the university's AWERB on their overall scientific impact and advancement of the 3Rs.

Please find information below on each of the Rs and an overview of some of the research being conducted at the University of Southampton from our previous years 3Rs award winners.


Replacement - "Avoiding or replacing the use of animals in areas where they otherwise would have been used." Replacement means using technologies or approaches which directly replace or avoid the use of animals in experiments where they would otherwise have been used. Our researchers aim to replace animals with alternative methods whenever possible. Further information on Replacement can be found here .

Overview of the 2024 3Rs award winning project in the replacement category:

Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is a type of skin cancer and is one of the most common cancers worldwide. When it spreads from the skin to other parts of the body (metastasises) treatment options are limited. An immune treatment (called anti-PD1 therapy) causes the body’s immune cells to attack the tumour. It is used in cSCC, but fewer than 1 in 7 people fully respond to it. Researchers at the university think that combining immunotherapies may increase their effectiveness, but they need better ways to understand how these treatments might interact. It is common to test such treatments in mouse models of cancers, but it is increasingly clear that the responses seen in mice do not always mirror those seen in humans. Researchers have therefore developed a tissue slice culture system in cSCC. This allows them to take very thin slices of fresh patient cSCC samples and keep them alive for up to 5 days. Using this, they can measure how different treatments affect the immune response in cSCC to predict which treatments might prove effective in patients in the future. A significant advantage of this system is that it uses human samples. Not only does this provide a way of testing treatments without using animals, but it is likely to predict the treatment responses of patients better, as has been shown with similar systems in other cancers.

Overview of the 2023 3Rs award winning project in the replacement category:

Southampton researchers have developed a new 3-dimensional cell culture system to study how human breast cancer develops in patients who are overweight. Although cancer research has heavily relied on mouse models, there are limits to their applicability to human disease. In this new approach, researchers can investigate how different types of cells grow and interact with each other. This provides an appropriate model of the disease in humans.


Reduction - "Minimising the number of animals used consistent with scientific aims." Reduction refers to methods that minimise the number of animals used per experiment or study consistent with the scientific aims. It is essential for reduction, that studies using animals are appropriately designed and analysed to ensure robust and reproducible findings. Researchers at the university ensure that experiments are designed to use as few animals as possible to thoroughly answer the scientific questions being investigated. The university's animal facilities staff regularly review their animal breeding programmes to minimise the breeding of surplus animals. Further information on Reduction can be found here .

Overview of the 2024 3Rs award winning project in the reduction category:

Representing the changes to airway structure and inflammation that occur during chronic lung disease, such as asthma, can be a challenge for new drug development and testing, which may require a large number of animals (such as mice). Researchers at the University of Southampton have newly established in their laboratory the method of generating approximately 50 thin lung tissue slices from a single mouse lung, also called Precision Cut Lung Slices (PCLS). This method significantly reduces by up to 50-fold the number of mice needed for studying multiple novel drugs at different concentrations and time points, and their effect on complex changes in the airways of these lung slices. This technique can be applied to other animal tissues such as the liver and brain, and importantly to human tissue samples, which may further reduce the need for animals in drug testing.

Overview of the 2023 3Rs award winning project in the reduction category:

In an innovative project aimed at transforming approaches to drug discovery, Southampton researchers have used specialist analytical methods to gain more information from cell cultures that are used to replace animals. Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS and imaging (MRI) to analyse tissue slices, or clusters of cells (organoids), has enabled these alternatives to be used for a wider range of tests, further reducing animal use. This allows an individual organ to be utilised for hundreds of assays including tests of metabolic activity and other complex cellular functions.  The innovation can also be used with human tissue biopsies, which may further reduce the reliance on animal tissue while providing data that are directly relevant for humans.


Refinement - "Minimising the pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm that research animals might experience, and improving welfare." Refinement applies to all spects of animal care and use, from their housing and husbandry to the scientific procedures performed on them. We think about each animal's whole lifetime experiences when implementing refinements. Further information on Refinement can be found here .

Overview of the 2024 3Rs award winning project in the refinement category:

Osteosarcoma is the most common bone cancer in children and adolescents, but survival rates haven’t improved greatly over the last few decades. New treatments for these cancer patients are needed but their development is hampered by the complexity of the disease and the environment in which it grows. In this research project, researchers aimed to generate a new 3-dimensional bone model of osteosarcoma. They wanted to use this to study the disease, while also testing new drugs and strategies to impove patient outcomes. To do this, they put osteosarcoma cells, specialised bone marrow cells and macrophages (important immune cells) in a bone cylinder. This is then grown on a chick embryo blood vessel membrane (blood vessels are integral to tumour development). They added an osteosarcoma drug, that may target macrophages, to this model to try and understand how this drug works and potentially how to make it work better. This project refined the use of animals in research by not using established mouse models, instead, they placed their model onto the rapidly expanding blood vessel membrane (also known as the CAM), which grows around the developing chick inside of the shell. Importantly, placing their bone cancer model structure onto the CAM ('piggybacking' the chick's growth and support networks) causes minimal impact to the chick embryo, which continues to develop normally, but is humanley killed prior to hatching at the end of the study.

Overview of the 2023 3Rs award winning project in the refinement category:

Southampton researchers have been investigating ways to optimise fish tagging and population estimate methods in environmental studies. Typically, fish are captured and marked using physical tags, causing discomfort, and potentially making it more difficult to swim. In this study, researchers explored the use of a less invasive approach to identifying individual fish. Using unique identifiable features such as spots or scales, together with remote underwater video capture from submersible cameras, the group was able to reliably identify individual fish and predict population size without physical capture. This could improve animal welfare whilst ensuring accurate and reproducible data collection.


Staff and researchers who look after animals are responsible for their care and welfare, though the Establishment Licence Holder has overall responsibility.

The continued promotion and implementation of the 3Rs principles is in the best interest of animal welfare, students, animal technicians, researchers, and science. We also recognise that the public expects us to conduct humane, responsible research, and to be open about our animal use.

Inaugural 3Rs conference and networking event at the University of Southampton

The inaugural 3Rs conference and networking event, held on 20th October 2023, brought together: researchers, technicians, and advocates from across the University of Southampton to share and promote the principles of the 3Rs in animal research. With a focus on advancing ethical and sustainable practices in research, the event proved to be a platform for discussion, collaboration and innovative ideas. The event featured a diverse array of presentations and workshops from speakers across many different research fields and external speakers that delved into various aspects of the 3Rs: covering topics on the development of cutting-edge in vitro models, implementing reduction strategies, and improving the welfare of animals in research. Attendees had the opportunity to learn from experts, share their own experiences and participate in thought-provoking discussions.

Learn more about some of the talks from this event:

An additional “R” referred to as "Repopulation," was introduced in one of the sessions. This was raised from the work conducted by Ms. Fiona Woods in her investigation of "Exploring the 3Rs of Animal Welfare in the Solent Oyster Restoration ."

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The opening of the inaugral 3Rs conference at UoS

Around 100 researchers, students and technicians joined this event.

A philosophical-orientated presentation was given by Dr Heather Browning, which revolved around the significance of animal sentience, this particularly caught the audience’s attention. The talk explored the intricacies of sentience, how sentience is studied, and its role in the application of the 3Rs.

The event also featured workshops hosted by Dr Chris Barkus from the NC3Rs , Mr John Meredith from UAR, Dr Penny Hawkins from the RSPCA Animals in Science Department , as well as Dr Leo Westbury, a medical statistician from the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Centre (UoS). These workshops provided invaluable insight and guidance on the implementation of the 3Rs principles, sharing best practices and engaging openly about animals used in research.

Among the notable highlights of the event was Miss Rhianna Blyth's presentation, "Development of a 3D In Vitro Breast Cancer Organotypic Model of Obesity-Associated Inflammation." This presentation was awarded the 3Rs impact award by the members of the University of Southampton Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB), who were notably impressed by the substantial body of work that had been accomplished, especially by such an early career researcher.

Quotes from some of our attendees:

“The talks were really informative, and I would definitely attend any other future events organised”.

“It was an excellent forum to know what 3Rs activities are going on at the University of Southampton”.

“A good range of talks covering all aspects of what the animals used in research at the University of Southampton are for and what is being done to improve on the way in which they are used”


Attendees were asked to carry and share the knowledge and connections they had gained from the event and implement them into their respective research fields. The success of this event has laid a strong foundation for future 3Rs conferences at the University of Southampton, fostering collaboration and innovation.

Links to more information on the 3Rs:

National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs)

Understanding Animal Research (UAR) 3Rs Page

The 3Rs Collaborative

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