Research interests
My research area focuses on regulation of various processes within the cell, particularly by phosphoinositides. Phosphoinositides are involved in every aspect of cell metabolism and function, but my undergraduate research project centred on phosphoinositides and their involvement in splicing. I’m lucky to be able to continue working on the same project during my MRes, and I am trying to understand the part PI(4,5)P2 plays in formation of the spliceosome and nuclear speckles.
As a Biochemist, I enjoy most aspects of molecular biology, but what I love about my project is that it combines different areas and looks at how they are linked.
Why I chose MRes Advanced Biological Science
I chose the MRes Advanced Biological Sciences after working in my supervisor’s lab for my undergraduate project. I really enjoyed working in a research lab and found conducting research that has never been done before both challenging and thrilling.
Aims for the future
I am still unsure of my plans following graduation – however I would love to continue working in a molecular biology research setting. I am considering a PhD in Biochemistry, or working as a research assistant. I would love to experience labs in other countries and so hope to find some experience abroad.
Professor Nullin Divecha
Research group
Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
Affiliate research group
MRes Advanced Biological Science