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The University of Southampton
Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise

Mr James Hamstead

Student Enterprise Coordinator

Mr James Hamstead's photo

James’ role as Student Enterprise Coordinator oversees the smooth running of our exciting programme of opportunities and events, devising new initiatives and ways to communicate the inspiring stories of the students we support. Additionally, he serves as another point of contact for students exploring the early stages of starting their business.

Starting his first business aged 16, James has a wealth of experience spanning ideation and business planning, product design, marketing, and distribution. His entrepreneurial journey includes co-founding a premium guitar amp and effects brand with high-profile clients including: Mumford & Sons, London Grammar, and The1975. Today, James continues to freelance as a graphic designer and creative consultant alongside his role.

Mr James Hamstead
Careers & Employability Service
University of Southampton
Highfield Campus
SO17 1BJ

Room Number : /37/2035

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