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Professor Bruno J Linclau

Professor of Organic Chemistry

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Professor Bruno Linclau was appointed into his current position in August 2015 as Professor of Organic Chemistry. He is Head of the Organic Chemistry: Synthesis, Catalysis and Flow Section.

Bruno Linclau graduated from the University of Ghent, Belgium in 1992. His undergraduate thesis was carried out at Leicester University as an ERASMUS exchange student with Dr P R Jenkins during his final year. Back in Ghent, he joined the group of Professor M Vandewalle for his PhD (1992 - 1996, funded by the Belgian "National Fund of Scientific Research"), where he completed the total synthesis of several Vitamin D analogues. This was followed by a postdoctoral stay with Professor D P Curran in Pittsburgh PA (USA) (1997 - 1999), with a fellowship from the "Belgian American Educational Foundation" and from the University of Pittsburgh. There he worked on fluorous chemistry applications in combinatorial chemistry and developed a fluorous scavenger approach illustrated with automated solution phase parallel synthesis of urea libraries. He joined the Chemistry at Southampton University as a lecturer in August 1999, followed by a promotion to Senior Lecturer in 2005, to Reader in 2013, and to Professor in 2015. He is Head of the Organic Chemistry Section.

He is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Carbohydrate Subject Group Committee, and is secretary of the RSC Fluorine Subject Group Committee. He is also a regular member of the American Chemical Society (ACS), and of the Society of Chemistry and Industry (SCI).

Research interests

His current research is focussed on investigating how fluorination of organic compounds can modify their physical properties, with a focus on hydrogen bonding, lipophilicity, and conformation. This involves the design and the synthesis of fluorinated carbohydrates, small aliphatic compounds, amino acids (proline), and steroids. We engage in collaboration for computational calculations, and for some types of measurements. However, we have designed our own methodology for measuring lipophilicities, and we carry out extensive NMR analysis.

Research group

Organic Chemistry: Synthesis, Catalysis and Flow

Research project(s)

Linclau: The Influence of Fluorination on Lipophilicity

Linclau:Intramolecular hydrogen bonding between organofluorine and alcohols

Linclau: Polyfluorinated Carbohydrates

Linclau: The influence of fluorination on hydrogen bonding properties of functional groups

Linclau: The synthesis of luminacin D


LabFact is a project that involves 6 institutes and one company within the FCE region (CNRS, ENSICAEN, Universities of Caen, Rouen, Sussex and Southampton and Pareon Chemicals), bringing together world experts in flow chemistry and reagentless synthesis.

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Professor Bruno J Linclau
Chemistry University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 30

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