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The University of Southampton
Chemistry Undergraduate study


The University and Students Union run a range of events throughout Fresher’s Weeks to help you settle in and familiarise yourself with the University and Southampton in general.

Chemistry facilities

You will have the chance to take a tour of our facilities with some of our second year students who will be allocated as your academic 'parents' to provide support as you settle in and during the first part of your degree. You will also have a health and safety induction to prepare you for safe practice in the laboratory.

Other campus amenities

Specialist staff will introduce you to the library and IT services, and you can choose to have an induction to the gym and other sports facilities. You will also be guided through administrative tasks, such as course registration and organising your student ID cards.

Meeting staff and students

You will attend a welcome lecture with the Head of Chemistry during your induction, who will give you an introduction to life at Southampton and what you can expect from your chemistry studies.

You will also have the opportunity to mix in an informal atmosphere with the rest of the first year group, and we will run activities such as informal chemistry quizzes and short group tasks. As well as acting as an 'icebreaker', these activities are designed to start highlighting the importance of other key skills you will develop throughout your degree, such as effective communication and the complexities of working in a team.

Freshers’ Week

The Southampton University Students' Union (SUSU) hosts Freshers’ Week at the start of each academic year. This is a chance to find out about the University's various clubs and societies, as well as to enjoy a range of entertainment.

Induction provides a chance to get to know your course colleagues
Settling in to the department

Key facts

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