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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

River Mumma - Folklore & Creativity Workshop Event

International Womens Day
09:30 - 11:30
11 March 2016
University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Nuffield Kitchen,

For more information regarding this event, please email Jemimah Canegrati at .

Event details

Join artists Jemimah Cengrati for a Folklore & Creativity Workshop

Guani Folklore of the Islands

Guani Folklore are tales from the islands of my parents and family from the Caribbean. Storytelling is a tradition worldwide.

Guani Folklore Workshops use storytelling as a method to invite and engage in my culture and an opportunity for participants to use the folktales as a narrative to learn new methods for creating artistic skills.

The female form to abstract

In this exciting Storytelling Art Workshop I invite you to explore the art form of the female form and its representation in a simple exploration of figurative Art, open to all. An enjoyable two hour workshop focusing on the female body and how we define female. Learn to sketch from stick women to your interpretation of abstract with the narrative of the mystical mermaid Rivah Mumma, the mother of fish and the inhabitants of the river beds of Jamaica.

Artist Jemimah Canegrati

Jemimah Canegrati is a Fine Artist specialising in figurative Art and contemporary Illustration, exhibiting nationally and formally represented by a leading London Gallery.

Jemimah runs community based Art workshops to open Art locally and create a new desire for those who previously have no background in Art, building self-confidence and a new appreciation for the concept of the Arts. She says, "Workshop coordinating - developing skills with others - is a great social aspect of being an Artist."

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