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The University of Southampton
Economics Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

1102 Joint Detection of Structural Change and Nonstationarity in Autoregressions (J. Pitarakis)


Discussion Paper No. 1102

Joint Detection of Structural Change and Nonstationarity in Autoregressions

Jean-Yves Pitarakis

In this paper we develop a test of the joint null hypothesis of parameter stability and a unit root within an ADF style autoregressive specification whose entire parameter structure is potentially subject to a structural break at an unknown time period. The maintained underlying null model is a linear autoregression with a unit root, stationary regressors and a constant term. We derive the limiting distribution
of a Supremum Wald type test statistic and show that it can be expressed as the sum of two components each corresponding to the nonstationary and stationary regressors respectively. As a byproduct we also obtain the limiting behaviour of a related Wald statistic designed to solely test the null of parameter stability in an environment with a unit root. These distributions are free of nuisance parameters and easily tabulated. The finite sample properties of our tests are subsequently assessed through a series of simulations.

Keywords: Structural Breaks, Unit Roots, Nonlinear Dynamics

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