Universal Design for Learning in Chemistry for High School Students Seminar
- Time:
- 12:00 - 13:00
- Date:
- 14 December 2021
- Venue:
- Online
Event details
The Education School invites you to attend our online research seminar! If you are interested in attending, please contact us at EducationFOS@soton.ac.uk.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) was used for teaching chemistry to high school students with and without disabilities. UDL's focus is on flexible ways instruction is responsive to students' learning needs. In a series of studies, UDL students' performance on quizzes were compared to students who received traditional lecture-based instruction. Results favoured students who received UDL instruction.
UDL is about the multiple ways students receive and practice content. High school students perform better than their peers when teachers use UDL to plan and deliver instruction.
Implications for practice or research:UDL should be used more by teachers. Further research is needed, with students' disaggregated data, to more firmly establish UDL's efficacy.
Speaker information
Prof Peggy King-Sears , George Mason University. Graduate School of Education.