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The University of Southampton

Prof. Adrian Chandler BSc(Eng), PhD, CEng, MICE

Visiting Professor

Prof. Adrian Chandler's photo

Prof. Adrian Chandler is Visiting Professor within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

natural hazards including earthquakes, tsunamis and windstorms present unique challenges to engineers to protect lives and property: educating engineers in risk mitigation methods is key to making continued improvements to the resilience of communities in high-risk areas

Dr Adrian Chandler is a chartered civil engineer with 30 years of research, teaching and knowledge exchange experience through working at universities in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia. He is a structural engineer, specializing in earthquake, tsunami, wind and landslide engineering, and has conducted research and consultancy worldwide in building design to resist natural hazards. He has delivered numerous university courses and short courses for insurers, focusing on the impact of natural hazards on the built environment, and on the associated risk reduction measures through appropriate construction.

Research interests

  • structural dynamics of linear and non-linear systems
  • earthquakes, earthquake engineering and earthquake-resistant design
  • earthquake ground motions and response spectra for low to moderate seismic regions
  • engineering seismology
  • earthquake damage assessment and risk/loss analysis
  • post-earthquake damage surveys
  • earthquake response of structures with asymmetric configurations
  • site (rock and soil) amplification effects in earthquake ground motions
  • earthquake design methodologies and codes of practice
  • wind effects on buildings, including extreme storm damage

Research group

Infrastructure Group

Code Title Role
Prof. Adrian Chandler
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

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