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Dr Ehsan Ahmadi BSc, MSc, PhD

Visiting Academic

Dr Ehsan Ahmadi's photo

Dr Ehsan Ahmadi was a Research Fellow in Bridge Dynamics in Infrastructure Research Group within Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton, and is now a Visiting Academic.

My research interests are dynamic soil-structure interaction, human-induced vibration, and earthquake engineering. I am currently working under the supervision of Dr. Mehdi Kashani (PI) on the project  “EP/R039178/1: SPINE: Resilience-Based Design of Biologically Inspired Columns for Next-Generation Accelerated Bridge Construction’’ funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for a Prosperous Nation.

I earned my Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering at the Shiraz University, Iran in 2009. As I was very interested in higher education and research studies, I pursued my education at one of the top three universities in Iran, Amirkabir University of Technology. After graduation in 2011, I worked as a Supervising Civil Engineer for Housing Foundation and contributed to the construction industry, particularly design and construction of multi-story high-rise residential complexes. Simultaneously, I worked as a Freelance Structural Designer, designing and analysing a wide variety of civil structures. Following my passion on academic research, I started my PhD in November 2014 at the Monash University, Australia. I studied Dynamic Performance of Resilient Lightweight GRFP Structures under Human Loading.

Since I have a great passion in lecturing, I actively contributed to the pedagogical programmes of the Civil Engineering Department at the Monash University as Teaching Associate and also occasionally lectured during my PhD career. In parallel, I regularly supervised undergraduate students for their Final Year Project course. Further, I worked on important engineering projects for VicRoads, Australia, on Assessment, and Structural Health Monitoring of Road Bridges. I finished my PhD in Structural Engineering in June 2018, and then started a new position as a Research Fellow in Bridge Dynamics at the University of Southampton, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences. As part of my commitments, I give lecture on a master module named Understanding Civil Engineering (Structures) and occasionally teach another module named Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Design of Steel Buildings.

Research interests

Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction

Human-induced Vibration

Dynamics of Tied Rocking Columns

Research group

Infrastructure Group

Research project(s)

EP/R039178/1: SPINE: Resilience-Based Design of Biologically Inspired Columns for Next-Generation Accelerated Bridge Construction

The new approach employs post-tensioned multiple rocking blocks with thin layers of composite materials in between within the bridge pier. As a result, the column will flex and elastically displace due to movement of the deck under static and dynamic loading (geometrically nonlinear) without damage, unlike conventional cast-in-place reinforced concrete columns. The post-tensioning cable provides self-centring mechanism in the column, which re-centres the bridge to its original position after any large lateral displacement; i.e. displacements are recoverable and resilient. The vertebrae will be constructed using segments of square tubes made of glass fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP), and filled with advanced fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC). A smart, polymer based, composite material will be developed and used for the intervertebral discs. The intervertebral discs will keep the vertebrae from rubbing against each other, enable the transfer of shear forces through friction, absorb the impact due to the rocking mechanism, and provide mechanical damping under dynamic loading.

  • Developing and carrying out an area of personal research
  • Regularly disseminating findings by writing journal papers and presenting in conferences
  • Contributing to the writing of bids for research fund
  • Collaborating/working on original research tasks with colleagues in other institutions
  • Supervising the work of junior research staff
  • Carrying out undergraduate supervision, demonstrating or lecturing duties within own area of expertise under the direct guidance of my line manager
  • Contribute to Lecturing on CENV6127 – Understanding Civil Engineering (Structures)
  • Contribute to Lecturing on CENV6134 – Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Design of Steel Buildings
Dr Ehsan Ahmadi
Engineering, University of Southampton, Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus, Burgess Road, Southampton, SO16 7QF

Room Number : 178/3037/B1

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