Dr Graham G Swinerd BSc, PhD
University Visitor

Dr Graham G Swinerd is University Visitor within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.
Graham joined the University of Southampton in 1987, and prior to this he was employed by British Aerospace Space Systems, Stevenage. He retired as a Reader in Astronautics in September 2010, and now has a 'University Visitor' status. He continues to publish research, and participates in the Astronautics Research Group's short course teaching programme for industry in Space Systems Engineering.
Dr Swinerd is the author of ‘ How Spacecraft Fly ’, which is a popular science text that is recommended reading for applicants coming into the A&A degree programme who are particularly interested in the space-related degree content. For more information go to www.howspacecraftfly.com . He is also the principal editor of the standard undergraduate textbook ' Spacecraft Systems Engineering ' published by Wiley .