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The University of Southampton

Dr Jediah  R Clark BSc, MSc, PhD

Research Fellow of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

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Dr Jediah Clark is a Research Fellow in Trustworthy Autonomous Systems at the University of Southampton within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

Dr Clark works in the Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub (TAS-Hub), supporting and leading work packages in three agile projects: 'the Chatty Car', 'Inclusive Autonomous Vehicles', and 'Trustworthy Human-Swarm Partnerships'. Dr Clark is interested in how humans engage with autonomous systems and has worked on improving communication systems to aid in the safe development of this technology.

His main research interest is how human trust can be calibrated to system performance and ensuring that both situation awareness and workload are accounted during this optimisation process. His current research trajectory is exploring how we can improve public understanding of automated vehicle capabilities through education, public policy, and smart user-centred design.

He received his PhD from the award-winning Human Factors Engineering group at the University of Southampton. His PhD addressed automated vehicle interaction design by learning from safety-critical domains such as healthcare, air-traffic control, energy manufacturing/distribution and military.

In the years of 2019 and 2020, Dr Clark was awarded the Doctoral College Award for Enterprise following his significant contribution towards patented technology in automated vehicle interface design.

Research interests

  • Human Factors in human-machine teaming, interfacing and communication.
  • Connecting users to research development of public policy, manufacturing, and safe operation of autonomous technology.
  • Worked in fields such as automated vehicles, human-swarm teaming, and submarine control room design

Research projects

Affiliate research groups

Agents, Interaction and Complexity Research Group , Electronics and Computer Science , Transportation Group

Dr Jediah R Clark
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
Dr Jediah R Clark's personal home page
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