Emeritus Professor Jeremy Astley BSc MSc PhD DEng
Professor of Computational Acoustics
![Emeritus Professor Jeremy Astley's photo](/assets/imported/transforms/site/staff-profile/Photo/236B0C0D478841E2B56D0FC23938856B/rja1.jpg_SIA_JPG_fit_to_width_INLINE.jpg)
Emeritus Professor Jeremy Astley is Professor of Computational Acoustics within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.
Emeritus Professor Jeremy Astley joined the Institute of Sound and Vibration in March 2001 as Rolls-Royce Professor of Computational Aeroacoustics. He graduated in Mathematics from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch New Zealand and completed a PhD in mathematics at Bristol University in 1973.
Since then he has held academic positions at the University of Nottingham, the University of Missouri-Rolla, and the University of Canterbury, and visiting fellowships at the Universities of Hull, Durham and Colorado (Boulder). He is best known for his research on special Finite Element and Infinite Element techniques for computational acoustics, and in particular the application of these methods to acoustic radiation from aero-engine nacelles.
Emeritus Professor Astley has played a leading role in the development of such methods and is author of more than 50 journal articles on this topic. More recently he has applied more general ‘wave-based’ numerical techniques to the nacelle problem. He is a subject editor for the Journal of Sound and vibration, has served as associate editor for the AIAA Journal, and is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
He is also a UK representative on the CEAS Aero-acoustics Specialists Committee (ASC), an international member of the AIAA aeroacoustics technical committee, and a UK representative on the Scientific Committee of the ‘X-Noise’ thematic network, funded by the European Commission to coordinate aircraft noise research in Europe. In 1999 Professor Astley was awarded a higher Doctorate (Doctor of Engineering) by the University of Canterbury for his work on finite and infinite elements. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the Institution of Professional Engineers of New Zealand, and the International Institute for Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV). In 2001 Professor Astley was elected to Distinguished International Membership of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the United States of America.