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The University of Southampton
Engineering Postgraduate study

Miss Chloe Grace Rose BSc Pharmacology

Postgraduate research student

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Miss Chloe Grace Rose is Postgraduate research student within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

2012-2013 Clinical Research Scientist at Glaxo Smith Kline running Phase I and Phase IIa clinical trials in the Immuno-Inflammation and Respiratory department of Clinical Pharmacology Sciences and Study Operations.

2010-2014 BSc Pharmacology University of Southampton

Dissertation: ‘Investigating Metabolic Dysfunction in Astrocytes’

This project inspired me to pursue a PhD in bioengineering. It coupled mitochondrial tracking and imaging with oxygen consumption in astrocytes. In order to achieve this I was able to fabricate and test platinum microelectrodes to measure the oxygen consumption of astrocytes in response to different metabolic stimuli.

2014-Present Postgraduate Researcher in Bioengineering (PhD) – Developing a lab on a chip to determine patient allergy to specific drug compounds.

Research interests

Immunology, Bioengineering, Pharmacology, Imaging

PhD Research Project: “Rapid Diagnosis of Allergy to Drugs using a Microfluidic Platform”

PhD Supervisors: Dr Xunli Zhang, Dr Andrew F Walls, Professor Hywel Morgan, Dr Eren Efrem,

Funding: University of Southampton PGR Scholarship

Research group

Bioengineering Science

Research project(s)

Rapid Diagnosis of Allergy to Drugs using a Microfluidic Platform

The aim of this project is to develop a microfluidics-based system for rapid diagnosis of allergy to drugs by integrating cross-disciplinary expertise of microfluidic bioengineering and medicine. This system will require small volumes of blood and provide a cost effective and reliable diagnostic test to determine drug allergy in patients. The study will focus on the separation and activation of human basophils, granulocytic cells which release histamine amongst other mediators in response to a drug allergen.

Active member of the British Pharmacological Society writing for the quarterly magazine ‘Pharmacology Matters’ with my first article being published in the first issue of 2013 p.25-26 and the second article was uploaded onto the BPS Springboard .

I am additionally part of a pharmacology parenting scheme at the University of Southampton.

Demonstrator for Biological Sciences

Miss Chloe Grace Rose
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
Miss Chloe Grace Rose's personal home page
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