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The University of Southampton
Engineering Postgraduate study

Mr David Bossens

Postgraduate research student

Mr David Bossens's photo

David Bossens is currently doing the PhD project “Artificial Intelligence for swarming energy scavengers”, supervised by Adam Sobey and Nicholas Townsend.

First being drawn to the field of neuroscience and human behaviour, David started the study of psychology, in which he obtained an MSc in Psychology (Theory and Research Option) from the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) in the year 2014 (cum laude). While studying psychology, David found that he was more interested in designing systems that following intelligent principles (Artificial Intelligence), rather than trying to copy the -- potentially sub-optimal -- way in which humans reason (Psychology). Thus he went on to do a MSc in Artificial Intelligence (Engineering and Computer Science Option) also at the KUL, a study from which he graduated in the year 2015 (magna cum laude).

Research interests

Main research interests are multi-agent systems, recurrent neural networks and reinforcement learning, mostly for learning in dynamic and non-markovian environments. The methods are meant to be as general as possible, allowing for a wide scope of applications. Still, there is a special interest in applications relevant to navigation, foraging and energy harvesting. Note that the emphasis is on high-level decision making, rather than on optimal low-level control.

Research group

Maritime Engineering

Mr David Bossens
Engineering, University of Southampton, Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus, Burgess Road, Southampton, SO16 7QF
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