• Rolfe, C.J., Hughes, P.D., Fenton, C.R., Xu, S., and Brown, A.G. 2011. First cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al results from Lundy, SW England: new evidence for the extent and timing of Devensian glaciation. In prep.
• Rolfe, C.J., Hughes, P.D., Fenton, C.R., Xu, S., and Brown, A.G. 2011. First cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al results from Lundy, SW England: new evidence for the extent and timing of Devensian glaciation. 49th Ussher Society (Geoscience in SW England) Annual Conference, Bideford, Devon. (Oral Presentation).
• Rolfe, C.J., Hughes, P.D., Fenton, C.R., Xu, S., and Brown, A.G. 2011. Extent and Timing of Devensian Glaciation in SW British Isles: Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al Results from Lundy. 49th Ussher Society (Geoscience in SW England) Annual Conference, Bideford, Devon. (Poster Presentation).
• Boreham, S., Rolfe, C.J., 2009, Holocene, Weichselian Late-glacial and earlier Pleistocene deposits of the upper Cam valley at the Hinxton Genome Campus, Cambridgeshire, UK. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. 88-2, pp117-125.
• Boreham, S., Conneller, C., Milner, N., Taylor, B., Needham, A., Boreham, J. and Rolfe, C.J. 2010 Geochemical Indicators of Preservation Status and Site Deterioration at Star Carr. Journal of Archaeological Science - article in press
• Rolfe, C.J., 2009, Pleistocene sediments along the north coast of the SW Peninsula: A Re-examination. Geography Graduate School Conference, University of Southampton. (Oral Presentation).
• Gibbard, P.L., Pasanen, West, R.G., Lunkka, J., Boreham, S., Cohen, K.M., and Rolfe, C.J. 2008. Late Middle Pleistocene glaciation in Eastern England. Boreas. In press.
• Gibbard, P.L., West, R.G., Pasanen, A., Wymer, J.J., Boreham, S., Cohen, K.M., and Rolfe, C.J. 2008. Pleistocene geology of the Palaeolithic sequence at Redhill, Thetford, Norfolk, England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. Volume 119, Number 2, 2008, pp. 175-192(18)
• Rolfe, C.J., Brown, A.G., Toms, P.S., Boreham, S. and Scrivener, R. 2008, A New Study of Pleistocene Sediments along the North Devon Coast. 46th Ussher Society (Geoscience in SW England) Annual Conference, St. Ives, Cornwall. (Oral Presentation).
• Langford, H. E., Bateman, M. D., Boreham, S., Coope, G. R., Fletcher, W., Green, C. P., Keen, D. H., Mighall, T., Rolfe, C.J. & Schreve, D. C. (2004) Funtham's Lane East. In: Langford, H. E. & Briant, R. M. (Eds.) (2004) Nene Valley Field Guide, Quaternary Research Association.
• Langford, Boreham, S., Merry, J., Rolfe, C.J. & Schreve, D. C. (2004). Channels C & D at Bradley Fen. In: Langford, H. E. & Briant, R. M. (Eds.) (2004) Nene Valley Field Guide, Quaternary Research Association.