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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Mr Chris Rolfe

Postgraduate research student

Mr Chris Rolfe's photo

Mr Chris Rolfe is Postgraduate research student within Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton.

BSc (Hons) Applied Environmental Geology, University of Portsmouth

Grants and Awards:

Research interests

Research Topic
Prof Tony Brown and Dr Steve Boreham

Registered for: MPhil/PhD

For over 150 years great controversy has existed with regards to the age and origin of the superficial deposits of north Devon. The research involves studying recently discovered and re-discovered Pleistocene sediments found in pockets along the north Devon coast, which has prompted a project re-examining the Pleistocene history of the area. Previous studies of supposedly glacial or proglacial sediments near the coast have been used as evidence for postulating a glacial limit adjacent to the coast for the middle-late Pleistocene. Both the postulated sedimentary environment and age of these sediments has been controversial. It is also not easy to reconcile the most commonly quoted age and genesis of the north Devon sediments, especially those in the Barnstaple area, with recent work in South Wales, the north coast of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The area and questions these superficial deposits raise are regionally important in the location of ice sheet margins in the Northern Hemisphere, an important boundary condition in global climatic modeling of past climatic fluctuations in the Pleistocene.

Research group

Palaeoenvironmental Laboratory at the University of Southampton (PLUS)

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• Rolfe, C.J., Hughes, P.D., Fenton, C.R., Xu, S., and Brown, A.G. 2011. First cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al results from Lundy, SW England: new evidence for the extent and timing of Devensian glaciation. In prep.
• Rolfe, C.J., Hughes, P.D., Fenton, C.R., Xu, S., and Brown, A.G. 2011. First cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al results from Lundy, SW England: new evidence for the extent and timing of Devensian glaciation. 49th Ussher Society (Geoscience in SW England) Annual Conference, Bideford, Devon. (Oral Presentation).
• Rolfe, C.J., Hughes, P.D., Fenton, C.R., Xu, S., and Brown, A.G. 2011. Extent and Timing of Devensian Glaciation in SW British Isles: Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al Results from Lundy. 49th Ussher Society (Geoscience in SW England) Annual Conference, Bideford, Devon. (Poster Presentation).
• Boreham, S., Rolfe, C.J., 2009, Holocene, Weichselian Late-glacial and earlier Pleistocene deposits of the upper Cam valley at the Hinxton Genome Campus, Cambridgeshire, UK. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. 88-2, pp117-125.
• Boreham, S., Conneller, C., Milner, N., Taylor, B., Needham, A., Boreham, J. and Rolfe, C.J. 2010 Geochemical Indicators of Preservation Status and Site Deterioration at Star Carr. Journal of Archaeological Science - article in press
• Rolfe, C.J., 2009, Pleistocene sediments along the north coast of the SW Peninsula: A Re-examination. Geography Graduate School Conference, University of Southampton. (Oral Presentation).
• Gibbard, P.L., Pasanen, West, R.G., Lunkka, J., Boreham, S., Cohen, K.M., and Rolfe, C.J. 2008. Late Middle Pleistocene glaciation in Eastern England. Boreas. In press.
• Gibbard, P.L., West, R.G., Pasanen, A., Wymer, J.J., Boreham, S., Cohen, K.M., and Rolfe, C.J. 2008. Pleistocene geology of the Palaeolithic sequence at Redhill, Thetford, Norfolk, England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. Volume 119, Number 2, 2008, pp. 175-192(18)
• Rolfe, C.J., Brown, A.G., Toms, P.S., Boreham, S. and Scrivener, R. 2008, A New Study of Pleistocene Sediments along the North Devon Coast. 46th Ussher Society (Geoscience in SW England) Annual Conference, St. Ives, Cornwall. (Oral Presentation).
• Langford, H. E., Bateman, M. D., Boreham, S., Coope, G. R., Fletcher, W., Green, C. P., Keen, D. H., Mighall, T., Rolfe, C.J. & Schreve, D. C. (2004) Funtham's Lane East. In: Langford, H. E. & Briant, R. M. (Eds.) (2004) Nene Valley Field Guide, Quaternary Research Association.
• Langford, Boreham, S., Merry, J., Rolfe, C.J. & Schreve, D. C. (2004). Channels C & D at Bradley Fen. In: Langford, H. E. & Briant, R. M. (Eds.) (2004) Nene Valley Field Guide, Quaternary Research Association.

Mr Chris Rolfe
Building 44 University of Southampton University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ
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