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Dr Mike Bracher BA (Hons), MSc, PhD

Visiting Fellow

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Mike Bracher is a Visiting Fellow and within the School of Health Sciences at the University of Southampton.

He currently provides consultancy services to the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded project: Eye Donation from Palliative and Hospice care contexts: investigating Potential, Practice, Preference and Perceptions (EDiPPPP) study team ( ).

Mike is a Medical Sociologist with interests in:

After completing a PhD in Sociology at the University of Southampton in 2013, Mike worked as a Research Fellow within Health Sciences at Southampton from 2014-2017. From 2017-2018, he completed a post-doctoral fellowship examining implementation of procedures for screening and treatment of malnutrition for older people in community care (the INSCCOPe project). Mike then worked as a Senior Research Associate on the SAToRI-BTR (A systematic approach to review of in vitro models in brain tumour research) project within the Faculty of Science at the University of Portsmouth. Mike re-joined the School of Health Sciences at the University of Southampton in June 2019 as Project Manager/Senior Research Fellow for the EDiPPPP project, before leaving to join the Office for National Statistics in January 2022. Mike continues to be involved with the EDiPPPP project as a Visiting Fellow.

Research interests

• Implementation of complex healthcare processes.
• Communication between patients and family/partners, and healthcare professionals.
• Analysis of patient experience data from large-scale free-text data sets.
• Organisational behaviour change.
• Review and synthesis of research in healthcare from qualitative and mixed methods sources.

Research group

Cancer and Life Limiting Conditions

Research theme

Health Needs

Research projects:

Eye Donation from Palliative and Hospice care contexts: investigating Potential, Practice, Preference and Perceptions (EDiPPPP)

Research project(s)

Eye Donation from Palliative and Hospice care contexts: investigating Potential, Practice, Preference and Perceptions (EDiPPPP)

Dr Mike Bracher
Health Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 67/3059

Dr Mike Bracher's personal home page
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