Research project: The effectiveness of acupuncture and self-acupuncture in managing cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients: a pragmatic randomised trial - Dormant - Dormant
Fatigue is a common problem experienced by breast cancer patients, it is distressing and affects their quality of life. We have limited treatment options to manage fatigue, and a small trial that our team recently completed testing the effect of acupuncture found an improvement rate of 36% after 6 sessions of acupuncture. The proposed study is based on our earlier trial and will use a large sample of patients to see if acupuncture is effective in managing fatigue and if improvements can be sustained for longer when patients are taught self-acupuncture and continue their treatment in that way for another 4 weeks. The biological reasons for experiencing fatigue will also be explored. Data will be collected using validated scales of fatigue, psychological status and quality of life. A blood sample will assist in finding any links between fatigue and immune parameters. Findings could help identify another treatment option for patients, especially for a symptom where treatment options are limited.