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The University of Southampton
Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments

Journal Release: A Parametric Study of an Acoustic Black Hole on a Beam

Published: 17 June 2019
acoustic black hole

ISLNE researchers have published a new journal paper: “A Parametric Study of an Acoustic Black Hole on a Beam” published by the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

The paper , co-authored by PhD researcher Kristian Hook and his supervisors Dr Jordan Cheer and Professor Steve Daley , presents an investigation into the design  of an acoustic black hole on a beam and demonstrates how each of these parameters affects the reflection coefficient of the acoustic black hole in the context of a practical application. In addition, trade-offs between each of the parameters were examined to determine how an acoustic black hole can be tuned when there are restrictions on the size and weight. The results have helped further the understanding of acoustic black holes and how they may be integrated into industrial applications.

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