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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School Our alumni

Lincoln Wee PhD, 1996

Independent consultant

Lincoln Wee's Photo

Hi, I'm Lincoln Wee and I studied PhD within Southampton Law School at the University of Southampton.

Remember that it is not just what you learn or how you learn it, but also what you do with what you have learnt.. how you return to society to contribute. That is what makes Southampton special.

Lincoln Wee obtained his PhD in Law from Southampton in 1996 with a faculty studentship and a CVCP scholarship. He now operates as an independent consultant advising various governments on issues concerning private and public international law and cross-border transactions. He has served in a variety of distinguished roles during the course of his career, including acting as a Deputy Public Prosecutor and State Counsel with the Attorney-General’s Chambers in Singapore, as the Director for Continuing Legal Education and Director for the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme within the Law Society of Singapore, and was a partner in one of the largest law firms in Singapore. He has also worked as a regional Legal Manager at a multinational and as a Senior Legal Manager with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore. In August, 2005, he was awarded the Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (Public Service Medal) by the President of the Republic of Singapore for his outstanding contribution to community service.

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