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Southampton Law School Our alumni

Shauna D'Onofrio LLB Accelerated, 2014

Student-at-Law with the Ministry of Justice Crown Prosecution Office

Shauna D'Onofrio's Photo

Hi, I'm Shauna D'Onofrio and I studied within Southampton Law School at the University of Southampton.

Studying at the University of Southampton provided me with many memorable international life experiences but also allowed me to completed my legal studies at an accelerated pace.

Since graduating with my Law Degree (JD Pathway) from the University of Southampton I have returned to Canada to work for the Crown with the Government of Alberta Ministry of Justice. The majority of my work is focused on the prosecution of Criminal Code of Canada offences, however I also have the opportunity to review and prepare constitutional Charter of Rights arguments often.

In addition to working for the Crown, I have been completing the qualifying examinations which are required in order to practice law in Canada under an international degree. Now completed these exams, I will begin a process similar to that of a pupillage called 'Articles' which will allow me to be called to the bar as a qualified barrister in Canada. I hope to complete my Articles in the next six months and continue my work in criminal prosecutions with the Government.

Studying at the University of Southampton provided me with many memorable international life experiences but also allowed me to completed my legal studies at an accelerated pace. Although I can vividly recall many moments of exhaustion and frustration over the 2 year period of my studies, I believe that the heavy workload and high academic standards prepared me for the hard work and determination which is required for a successful legal career.

I would definitely recommend the University of Southampton to other International students.

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