This constitution is adopted by the founders of the Southampton Student Law Review, on this day of 2 nd February 2010
Section 1 - The journal is to be known as the Southampton Student Law Review, hereinafter abbreviated to ‘the SSLR'.
Section 2 - The aims of the SSLR shall be
Section 3 - The SSLR shall not choose to exclude any person on account of their, race, colour, religion, political views or sexual orientation. The SSLR retains the right to expel any member on grounds of behaviour deemed detrimental to the running of the SSLR. All members shall have equal and full voting rights at SSLR meetings.
Section 1 - There shall be an Editorial Board, responsible for:
Section 2 - The constitution of the Editorial board shall vary on a yearly basis. However, two positions are to be held for undergraduate members, who shall be voted for by members of the Law School during the yearly elections.
Section 3 - The Principle Officers
Chief Editor
Shall be responsible for the administration and management of the SSLR. They shall be empowered to enter into agreements on behalf of the SSLR where approved by the Editorial Board, and in cases of Editorial dispute the Chief Editor shall have the deciding opinion.
Managing Editor
To support the Chief Editor in the allocation of their duties. In the event of the Chief Editor vacating their post the Managing Editor shall resume their duties.
Section 4 -
The principal officers shall serve for a term of one year and can run for re-election for the duration of the time they are members of the University of Southampton.
Sections 5 -
In the event of a resignation or removal of any Board member, the Board may vote to elect
another, interim member for the remainder of the academic year.
Section 6 -
The Editorial Board shall have the right to enter into agreements on behalf of the SSLR
Section 1 - The Editorial Board of the SSLR shall hold at least one meeting each term in order to discuss future issues and current events. The time and place of the meeting shall be fixed by the either an appointed or the principal officers.
Section 2 - Extraordinary meetings may be called by the consent of the Editorial Board. The time and place shall be fixed and publicised by either the appointed or principal officers.
Section 1 - The election of the LLB members of the board shall be made in accordance to the following provisions.
In the event of a resignation or removal of a LLB board member, they may not be replaced by a first year undergraduate, unless special circumstances apply. For instance, they are studying on the accelerated LLB course.
Section 2- Other Board members shall be chosen by mutual consent by the incumbent board members after all applications are reviewed.
Section 3 -
The Chief Editor and Managing Editor shall be elected by an anonymous vote of the incumbent board members. They must have served on the Editorial Board previously to this appointment, unless special circumstances apply. For instance they have previously been involved with another, similar publication.
Section 4 -
The time and date of the hand over of the board shall take place at a time decided by the existing Principals in conjunction with the Board. It should not take place later than the first day of the new academic year.
Section 1 - The Editorial Board shall be responsible for judging all submissions to the SSLR
Section 2 - The Editorial Board shall convene a meeting prior to the first submission that shall include discussion of
Section 3 - It should be aimed to publish 5 - 6 Articles, 3 - 4 notes and comments and at least 1 review in each issue.
Section 1 - Changes to this Constitution may be made by a majority vote of the Editorial Board
Section 2 - On the dissolution of the SSLR, due to circumstance or by a majority vote of the Editorial Board, any assets remaining after liabilities have been met shall be transferred to another Law School Society.