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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

Conference Programme

Wednesday 21 March

12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:45-14:00 Welcome
14:00-15:00 Simon Gardner Lincoln College,
Keynote address: Advanced
Electronic conveyancing
15:00-15:30 Scott Grattan Wollongong, Australia Property and alienation: rights, obligations, restraints
15:00-16:00 Tea
16:00-18:00 Robin Hickey Durham defending property: self-help remedies, the use of force, and the concept of a property right
Martin George Birmingham The future of trespass to land
Lesile Turano Kings College London Misplaced trust: first principles and the conveyance of legal leases to minors
Adam Hofri-Winogradow Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Stripping of the Trust
19:00 Dinner

Thursday 22 March

09:00-11:00 Oren Ben-Dor Southampton The ab-original en-ownership of place: reflections on the authority of meaning, be-ginning, be-longing, justice and violence
Canberra, Australia Intent to own, intent to exclude or mere physical control: the basis for protection of possessory interest in property law
Simon Douglas Wadham College Oxford The content of a fee simple
Northumbria Earth under the nails: the extraordinarily return to the land
11:00-11:30 Tea
11:30-13:00 Frankie McCarthy Glasgow Property as a human right: Kadi, preventative seizure and the politics of property protection
Emma Waring Cambridge The prevalence of private takings
Nicholas Macklam Ground 8 and the shared ownership lease: avoiding the injustice?
3:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Sarah Blandy Leeds Collective property: owning and sharing residential space
Magdalena Habdas Silesia, Poland The community of owners' regulations of common areas in Polish condominium schemes
Warren Barr Liverpool Big Society and social housing: never the twain shall meet?
Aine Ryall University College Cork, Ireland Regulating residential tenancies in Ireland: rights, responsibilities and enforcement
16:00-16:30 Tea
16:30-17:30 Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe Supreme Court Keynote address: The Saga of Strasburg and Social Housing
19:00 Conference dinner, preceded by a drinks reception sponsored by OUP. After dinner speech by the Rt Hon Sir Terence Etherton, Lord Justice of Appeal

Friday 23 March

07:30-08:30 Breakfast
09:00-11:00 Janet Ulph Leicester Legal and ethical guidelines for disposals from museum collections


Sydney, Australia Towards an understanding of public property
Rachael Walsh Kings College London Participation as a proxy for private property rights
Peter Williams UNSW, Australia The rise of property rights: implications for urban planning, environmental protection and biodiverstiy conservation in Australia
11:00-11:30 Tea
11:30-13:00 John Snape Warwick Convenants, easements and a footnote in contemporary property law history
Elizabeth Cooke Law Commission Easements, conservation convenants, rights to light and beyond: grill the Commissioner on the Law Commission's past and future property law work
13:00-14:00 Lunch

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