Computer Law and Security Review to be cited in SSCI
Computer Law and Security Review founded and edited by Professor Steve Saxby of ILAWS has been admitted to the prestigious Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) in the Web of Science - reserved for the finest international and regional journals in their field. This is the first time that an academic journal specialising in Internet, computer and technology law has ever achieved this status.
The journal was launched by Steve in 1985 to publish research in this pioneering area of legal study. The journal, published six times a year by the world’s largest legal publisher Elsevier, underwent a rigorous process of evaluation for its quality and consistency by specialist assessors that took over one year to complete. Only around ten per cent of journals submitted for inclusion each year are ever accepted.
“No other specialist IT Law journal in the world has secured a place on the SSCI index,” explained Steve. “Indeed out of more than 3,000 journals listed on the Index only 117 have the word ‘law’ listed in the title. So CLSR is up there with the best, in the same company as the leading American law journals, including the Harvard Law Review and Yale Law Review and others of the highest ranking such as Modern Law Review.”
The Web of Science is used by scholars and researchers around the world who want to access the latest and most respected academic research. SSCI is a carefully selected and evaluated collection drawn from the best journals across 55 social science disciplines delivering the most influential scientific research from the 20th century to the present day.