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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

Researchers from Southampton Law School to work with the European Defence Agency

Published: 4 March 2015

A team of researchers from the Departments of Law and Engineering, in collaboration with Lloyd’s Register, the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) and other independent consultants, have signed a contract with the European Defence Agency to research the liability position in respect of accidents involving unmanned maritime vehicles.

The project will be managed by Prof. Simon Quinn and the work will be primarily undertaken by the Institute of Maritime Law members Prof. Michael Tsimplis, Dr. Andrew Serdy, Dr. Alexandros Ntovas and Robert Veal. Dr. Jesus Mediavilla Varas and Motonobu Tsuchiya from Lloyd’s Register, Roland Rogers from the NOC and independent consultants John Wills and Helen Tung will each provide significant practical experience into the regulation and operation of such objects.

The contract value is €149,305 and its duration is one year.

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