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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

2015 Law Careers Fair a success with firms and students

Published: 7 December 2015
Law Careers Fair
Law Careers Fair 2015

On Thursday 19th November one of the Law School’s flagship careers events took place.

The Law Fair saw over 50 firms and other legal organisations visit the University to speak to our students. Amongst those attending were regional and global law firms, the Government Legal Service and the Commercial Bar Association as well as postgraduate providers.

Many of the representatives attending are Alumni of the Law School and were delighted to return to the University to meet and engage with staff as well as current students.

This was an excellent opportunity for students to find out more about the opportunities on offer as well as make valuable contacts for the immediate and longer-term future.

The success of the event can be seen in the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the exhibitors many of whom commented on how well prepared the students were, the quality of the questions they asked and their professional appearance. A real credit to the Law School!

Law Careers Fair 2015
Elisha Langridge, Bond Dickinson
Law Careers Fair 2015
Damie Oladebo, Second Year LLB
Law Careers Fair 2015
Hasan Tahsin, Second Year Martime Law
Law Careers Fair 2015
Erik Myrind, Skuld
Law Careers Fair 2015
Priya Morzeria, Second Year LLB
Law Careers Fair 2015
Jake Holmes, Blake Morgan
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