Neighbouring Rights for Publishers: Are National and (Possible) EU Initiatives Lawful?
Dr Eleonora Rosati, Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Southampton Law School, has had an article accepted for publication in the International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law.
Dr Rosati says "Over the past few years some European countries (notably Germany and Spain) have adopted new rights in favour press publishers, who are thus able to licence the display of links to and extracts from news articles that are indexed in news aggregation services like Google News. A similar initiative is currently also being considered for adoption at the EU level, possibly not limited to the press sector alone. In this article, I discuss the legal feasibility - rather than desirability - of initiatives of this kind."
To view the article, please visit this link:
Eleonora also recently participated in a webinar organised by OxFirst, which was attended by staff of the European Commission, European Parliament, US Patent and Trademark Office, and stakeholders currently engaged in lobbying in Brussels. She will be a panellist in another talk at the CREATe Festival in London, in which she will discuss initiatives addressed in her article.”