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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

Head of Law School joins discussion on BBC Radio 4

Published: 29 September 2016
Staff image
Professor Hazel Biggs, Head of Southampton Law School

Professor Hazel Biggs, Head of Southampton Law School, joined John Appleby of the Nuffield Trust on the ‘Today’ show on BBC Radio 4 in September.

The interview focused on current issues affecting the performance of the NHS.

One of the main talking points in the interview focused around a lack of investment into the NHS, and claims that this has increased waiting times and healthcare costs.

Professor Biggs also discussed an increasing need for the NHS to set its priorities within its budget and attempt to help the largest possible number of people.

The general consensus was that the NHS cannot continue to operate to the standard that patients expect if the budget remains at its current level, and that further reductions in efficiency might be expected in the near future.

The interview is available on BBC iPlayer for 24 days (Skip to 2:54:19 to find the beginning of the interview)

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