Marshalling schemes prove to be popular with Law School students
The Fulford, Green and Roberts marshalling schemes provide students with an unrivalled opportunity to gain first-hand insights into the work of leading judges. Previous successful applicants have benefited from the opportunity to spend time with barristers and judges, to attend court cases, to discuss cases with judges and to attend ceremonial events such as the swearing in of the Lord Chancellor.
Southampton Law School is delighted that students can benefit from these opportunities provided by alumni of the university. This, alongside the many other opportunities provided by the Law School, is another demonstration of the strong networks of alumni throughout the legal world that Southampton Law School enjoys.
A number of second year Law School students have been selected for the marshalling schemes operated by the School, possible due to the kind support of the below judges (alumni of the university):
Roberts scheme (Family Law) – Amber Kennedy and Felicity Sattan
Green scheme (Commercial Law) - Isaac Daughtrey and Lauren Merrett
Fulford scheme (Criminal Law) - Estian Dessel and Tom Brook
The school was impressed by the overall quality of applications and the motivations of the students.