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Southampton Law School

Dr Stalla-Bourdillon comments on Moldovan draft legislative proposals on behalf of the Council of Europe

Published: 31 March 2017
Dr Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon

Dr Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon gave comments on two Moldovan draft legislative proposals on behalf of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (Council of Europe) together with Prof. I. Leigh (Durham University).

By a letter dated 30 June 2016, the authorities of the Republic of Moldova had requested the opinion of the Venice Commission on draft law N°281 amending and supplementing certain legislative acts in relation to the so-called “mandate of security”. Prof I. Cameron (Uppsala), Mr B. Vermeulen and Mr J.S. Sørensen acted as rapporteurs on behalf of the Venice Commission. Prof. I. Leigh and Dr. S. Stalla Bourdillon analysed the draft amendments on behalf of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law. On 2

3 November 2016, as part of a joint delegation the group visited the Republic of Moldova and held meetings with representatives of the authorities (Government, Parliament, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Moldovan Intelligence and Security Service), as well as with representatives of the civil society and of international organizations present in the Republic of Moldova.

The Opinion of the Venice Commission was adopted on 10-11 March 2017. It follows a prior Opinion on a related draft legislative proposal adopted on 9-10 December 2016.

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