Southampton Law School journal ranked amongst leading publications in Scopus rankings

The Computer Law and Security Review (CLSR) (Elsevier) journal has been ranked higher than leading publications such as the Modern Law Review, Harvard Law Review and Oxford Journal of Legal Studies according to the latest Scopus rankings – the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.
CLSR, edited by its founder, Emeritus Professor Steve Saxby since 1985 is published online on ScienceDirect and in hard copy. In 2016 alone 240,000 papers were downloaded from the database by readers located in over 120 countries.
Backdated to 2011, CLSR is also the only technology law journal worldwide to have been selected by Thomson Reuters (Now Clarivate Analytics) for indexing and abstracting in the Web of Science. This followed an extensive peer- review process. It is also the only journal in its field to have received an Impact Factor in ‘InCites’ Journal Citation Reports and is currently ranked 2nd in the world in its field in Google Scholar for citation volume.
Professor Saxby was Director of ILAWS, and still visits the Law School as an Emeritus Professor since retiring last year.
For more information visit the Scopus Computer Law and Security Review