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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

Students join Professor Davey for BILA lecture at Lloyds Market Association

Published: 31 October 2017
Students at BILA Lecture
Law School students with Kees Van der Klugt at the Lloyds Market Association

Southampton Law School students joined around 150 guests from the insurance and legal world for a BILA lunchtime lecture from Southampton Law School’s Professor James Davey, titled "After the Gold Rush: Insurance Regulation in the FinTech Era".

The lecture offered a reflection on the changing nature of insurance. Professor Davey identified the key elements of traditional insurance (from a lawyer's perspective); the potential shifts to those paradigms from technology; and provide the context for the challenges for insurance regulation for the decades to come.

The fortunate students in attendance were given a special introduction to the Lloyds Market Association by Kees Van der Klugt (Head of Legal and Compliance at the Lloyds Market Association), including viewing the trading floor and a question and answer session with Kees Van der Klugt.

Professor Davey’s presentation was well received and led to a series of interesting questions on the future of Insurance and Law.

Professor Davey said ‘it was an honour to be invited to lecture to the British Insurance Law Association. Special thanks to Kees for his insight into the market, and to our students for representing the School so well’

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