First event in new conference series held in London
On Monday 16 April, the Institute of Maritime Law held a conference at the London office of Clyde & Co. The conference, entitled "Jurisdiction and Arbitration Clauses and Direct Action" was organised by Dr Filip Saranovic of the IML's Private International Law Interest Group.
The panel was chaired by Luke Parsons QC (Quadrant Chambers) and the speakers were Dr Ugljesa Grusic (UCL), Professor Yvonne Baatz (University of Southampton), and Rob Collins (Clyde & Co LLP). This successful event was the first in a series focusing on forum shopping and tactical proceedings in international commercial litigation and arbitration. The series provides a unique blend of both academic and practitioner perspectives on topical issues in this highly complex area of the law. We look forward the the next conference in the Autumn, stay tuned to our events page for the announcement.
More details on the conference can be found on the event page
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