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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

Workshop on Gender, Equality and Care

Published: 20 May 2022

The Stefan Cross Centre is holding a Workshop on Gender, Equality and Care on Friday 20th May at the University of Southampton.

All are welcome to attend.

Care and caring relationships are essential to the human condition, but they are often marginalised and undervalued by the law and elsewhere. The provision of care, whether paid or unpaid, is also highly gendered. Whilst the Covid pandemic may have (temporarily?) raised the profile of care, this attention was always ambivalent and did not lead to material improvement in the lives of carers.

This workshop addresses these issues, considering themes such as how to move beyond gendered care and reduce care burdens on women and employment rights and situations for paid and unpaid carers.

Confirmed papers include:

Dr Michelle Weldon, Post-pandemic possibilities: Recognising working fathers and working carers as carer-workers?

Dr Megan Pearson, Why does care matter to the law?: Insights from Vulnerability Theory

Karolina Szopa, Reproductive Autonomy for All: Non-discrimination and the Right to Abortion under the European Convention on Human Rights

Anabel Yahuitl García, Caring anyways: Ayuujk indigenous women challenge care theory through their experience in the global care chains

Dr Natalie Sedacca, A new found valuation of care work or reproducing exclusions? Care and domestic workers in the pandemic and recovery

Rebecca Beaulne-Stuebing, Grief work in Indigenous Toronto: Relations of care beyond settler colonialism

Please note, some of these papers will be given online, but to facilitate discussion it is only possible to attend in person.

For more details and to register see here .

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