Culture, Community and Architecture Workshop: 'The Architecture of Community' Event
- Date:
- 6 September 2012
- Venue:
- Southampton Law School University of Southampton
For more information regarding this event, please email Dr James MacLean at .
Event details
In our ordinary, everyday lives we travel in, through and around many places that may or may not appear particularly significant or important to us. Yet all of these places conceal and can reveal understandings of place whose meaning is created, constructed and contested. Institutional architecture, for example, whether legal, political or religious, combines and embodies two constitutive elements of architectural reality: it has instrumental use as a place for the public gathering or housing of a particular type of historic and living community; it also has symbolic value as a visual representation of a particular factual reality. It is a place where power is situated and represented. This full-day multidisciplinary workshop explores those complex relationships between culture, community and architecture that help define and organise our public space and how we use and experience that space.
Call For Papers
The workshop welcomes papers from a range of disciplines, including (but not limited to) law, politics, religion, architecture, philosophy, anthropology, ecology. Comparative and interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome, as are both practical and theoretical contributions.
Suggested topics might include but are not limited to the following ideas:
- Spatiality and social identity
- Space and place – public and private – inclusion and exclusion
- Institutional architecture – the design and use of architectural space
- The construction of meaning through signs, symbols and other modes of communication
- Architecture of governmentality, power and control
- Environmental architecture - architectural design and ecological systems
If you are interested in speaking on a panel please send your proposed title, together with an abstract (150–300 words), to
by 13th July 2012. Graduate students, academic staff and career professionals are all invited to submit. All abstract proposals should include the following:
Paper Title
Title, First Name, Surname and Affiliation of all authors
100 - 150 words biography of all authors
E-mail address for corresponding author
150–300 word abstract of paper
It is intended that there will be three panels during the day with up to four speakers on each, which includes one keynote speaker per panel. All speakers can expect to talk for about 20 minutes each, followed by discussion from the floor.
View the Speakers and their abstract
[This Workshop is funded entirely through the University of Southampton Adventure in Research Grant Award Scheme and is presented as part of the Centre for Law, Ethics and Globalisation calendar of events for 2012].