Ukraine, Crimea, Russia and International Law's (In)Capacity Event

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Event details
The language of international law has dominated news coverage and commentary on recent events in Crimea. Most international lawyers have condemned Russia’s ‘unlawful’ use of force and its ‘illegal annexation’ of Crimea.
Reflecting on international legal reaction to recent events in Crimea and public perceptions of international law's capacity to address such crises, academics from Southampton Law School and Southampton University's Politics and International Relations department will debate the place of international law in the Crimean crisis and ask what it means to brand Russia's action ‘illegal'.
Please sign up via eventbrite and join the debate.
Panel members
The event is organised by Dr Matthew Nicholson from Southampton Law School. He will be joined on the panel by Dr Andrew Serdy , also from Southampton Law School, and Dr Kamil Zwolski , from International Relations.