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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

8th Postgraduate Bioethics Conference 2014 Event

09:00 - 18:00
4 - 5 September 2014
Wide Lane Conferencing, 94 Wide Lane Southampton SO50 5PE

For more information regarding this event, please email Emma Nottingham and Alexander Chrysanthou at .

Event details

The Postgraduate Bioethics Conference is a highly prestigious annual conference aimed at doctoral researchers whose research involves bioethical analysis.

The theme for this year's Postgraduate Bioethics Conference is 'Health Law and Bioethics at the Frontiers of Innovation' and invites participants to reflect on the impact of new developments affecting bioethics and health and how these are informed and influenced by various ethical, moral, social, practical, legal and scientific viewpoints. The Conference organisers welcome submissions from a range of disciplines relevant to bioethics including, but not limited to, medical ethics, medicine, healthcare, life sciences, philosophy, social sciences, law and public policy.

Confirmed speakers include:

John Bryant (University of Cambridge)
Ruth Chadwick (University of Cardiff/University of Manchester)
John Coggon (University of Southampton)
Bobbie Farsides (University of Sussex)
Sara Fovargue (University of Lancaster)
John Harris (University of Manchester)
David Hughes (Swansea University)
Jonathan Montgomery (Nuffield Council on Bioethics and UCL)

This event is generously supported by the Wellcome Trust, Society of Applied Philosophy, Analysis Trust, Southampton Ethics Centre, Health Ethics and Law Centre and Southampton Law School.

For more information and to register visit 8th Postgraduate Bioethics Conference 2014 ‘Health Law and Bioethics at the Frontiers of Innovation’

For further information visit the Conference website # , follow us on twitter @PGBC2014 or email the conference organisers Emma Nottingham and Alexander Chrysanthou at .

Speaker information

Dr John Coggon,University of Southampton

Professor John Bryant ,University of Cambridge,Professor

Professor Ruth Chadwick ,University of Cardiff/University of Manchester,Ruth Chadwick is Distinguished Research Professor at Cardiff University and Director of CESAGen.

Dr Sara Fovargue ,University of Lancaster,My research largely centres around two areas, biotechnology and reproduction, and I am particularly interested in xenotransplantation. Themes within my work include autonomy, risk, regulation, and the relationship between law and ethics.

Professor John Harris ,University of Manchester,John Harris FMedSci., FRSA., B.A., D.Phil., Hon. D.Litt. Lord Alliance Professor of Bioethics and Director, Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation, School of Law.

Professor David Hughes ,Swansea University,Professor David Hughes has worked in health policy, medical sociology and socio-legal studies.

Professor Jonathan Montgomery ,Nuffield Council on Bioethics and UCL,My most significant research contributions lie in the field that I have described as Health Care Law, where I am widely recognised as both having redefined the subject area and made a significant contribution to its theoretical understanding.

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