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The University of Southampton
OLIGOMED - Oligonucleotides for medical applications

Transferable Skills

OLIGOMED will provide a number of non-scientific training to make best use of the industry know-how available in the network and to prepare the ESRs for future employment in industry.

Transferable skills, such as IP management, entrepreneurship and other business skills, are key elements of dedicated workshops and summer school.

Complementary and transferable skills training courses & workshops

The courses and workshops will be delivered during the network wide events:

  1. Welcome event on-line (2021)
  2. Training week in  Marseille, FR (2021)
  3. Training week in Warsaw, PL (2022)
  4. Training week in Gent, BE (2023)
  5. Training week in Udine, IT (2024)

The training events are based on:

Training by Specialists

Our partner VITAE is a specialist in training and will deliver tailored workshops for the ESRs, and will guide the support provided by industrial and academic supervisors.

VITAE will support the professional and career development of ESRs through the Researcher Development Framework:

Enhancing career perspectives and employability

A specific training event in the final network-wide meeting is targeted at the ESRs next career steps and will involve

ESRs will have:

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