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The University of Southampton
Practical Applications of Statistics in the Social SciencesResearch Question 2: Neighbourhood Policing Awareness

Bivariate analysis

In this section, you'll learn how to use crosstabs and chi square tests to analyze the relationships between two variables. 

Bivariate analysis looks at the relationship between two (‘bi’) variables (‘variates’). Conducting this type of analysis should be one of the first things you do when you undertake your research, as bivariate analysis allows you to take a closer look at the relationship between your outcome (or dependent) variable and any potential explanatory (or independent) variables.

In this example analysis, we are interested in finding out what factors influence CSEW respondents’ awareness of neighbourhood policing. We're investigating this by using neighpol1, a categorical variable in our dataset that measures neighbourhood policing awareness.

We can use SPSS to compare neighbourhood policing awareness between different groups of respondents, and then to test the statistical significance of these differences. A comparison of neighbourhood policing awareness can be done using the Crosstabs function. We can test the significance of any differences in awareness of neighbourhood policing by using the Chi Square function.

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