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The University of Southampton
Politics and International Relations Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

Emily Flore St Denny is awarded the Anniversary fellowship

Published: 6 August 2022
Emily Flore St Denny

Emily Flore St Denny is awarded the Anniversary fellowship

Her current research focuses on the manner in which 'prevention' is articulated as a broad policy 'philosophy', the reasons why its effective implementation continues to elude policymakers across different sectors, and how prevention policy might more effectively be designed and delivered. She has recently published a book with Professor Paul Cairney entitled Why isn’t Government policy more preventive? (Oxford University Press). This research agenda also fits into the Horizon2020 research programme seeking to develop Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe (IMAJINE), where she researches barriers and facilitators of policy learning at different levels from the local to the supranational.

Additionally, Emily’s research also focuses on issues health and of gender and policy and how each structures and shapes the other. Her work with IMAJINE has involved researching the development and implementation of ‘Health in All Policies’ and diversity and gender mainstreaming to reduce inequalities in Europe. Her doctoral research examined the role of ideas concerning gender and morality in shaping contemporary French prostitution policy. She is also currently involved in projects aimed at assessing and improving physical and mental health of women during and after pregnancy. As part of her focus on gender and health, she is concerned with the methodological implications of researching vulnerable populations and the development and use of feminist research methods.

Emily is an associate editor of the European Journal of Gender and Politics and the co-convenor of the Political Studies Association French Politics and Policy network.

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