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The University of Southampton
Politics and International Relations Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

The Effect of Austerity on Active Citizenship in Europe Event

Southampton Education School
6 - 7 December 2012
6th December 2012: Houses of Parliament presentation and panel discussion Room provided by the Hansard Society 6.30pm – 8.30pm 7th December 2012: Southampton University one-day seminar The Senate Room Level 4, Building 37 9pm – 4.30pm

For more information regarding this event, please email Lisa Then at .

Event details

Houses of Parliament and the University of Southampton

The recent collaborative Participatory Citizenship in the European Union study, commissioned by the European Commission and led by Bryony Hoskins at the University of Southampton, warns of the danger of concentrating solely on economic policies to create growth in European countries. The research, carried out alongside eight partner institutions across seven European countries, was based on the analysis of data on current policies and practices from the 27 member states of the European Union, interviews with key experts, and data from existing European and International studies.

This two-day event series is intended to examine the project findings and its future policy and research implications.

Principal findings of the project and the implications for policy will be presented at the Houses of Parliament on the evening of 6th December 2012. This will be followed by a panel discussion and an audience question and answer session.

A one-day seminar on the 7th December, hosted by the University of Southampton, will bring together researchers from across Europe to discuss findings and themes arising from the different regions of Europe and future research prospects. A keynote, presented by David Kerr of the Citizenship Foundation will draw more specifically on the perspective from the UK.

This event series will be of interest to students and staff from across the Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences and especially those interested in citizenship related matters.

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