Predicting, Prolonging and Promoting Neural Health Seminar
For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Debbie Buck on +44(0)23 8079 5358 or email .
Event details
The 8th Annual SoNG (Southampton Neuroscience Group) meeting
Programme for the day
With contributions from SoNG members and a keynote lecture from Professor
John Rothwell
from the UCL Institute of Neurology, the meeting will focus on the ageing brain and nervous system with relevance to biological markers of neural ageing, predicting neural decline and the means towards prolonging neural health. The meeting will conclude with a thought provoking lecture from our guest speaker, neuroscientist and philosopher, Professor
Raymond Tallis
The day will incorporate a general neuroscience poster session open to ALL aspects of neuroscience research in Southampton.
09:00-09.30 Registration and Coffee (Lower Foyer, Chemistry Building 30)
09.30-09.40 Welcome and Introduction
09.40-10.15 "Exploring change in memory for objects and their locations with age", Professor Simon Liversedge, School of Psychology
10.15-10.50 "Protein misfolding in the ageing brain: what shall we do? ”, Dr Andreas Wyttenbach, School of Biological Sciences
10.50- 11.20 Coffee/Posters (The Hartley Suite, Building 38)
11.20-11.55 “Understanding and repairing macular degeneration”, Professor Andrew Lotery, School of Medicine
11.55-12.30 "Clinical and kinematic investigation of motor impairment of the trunk in people after stroke", Dr Geert Verheyden, School of Health Sciences
12.30-14.00 Lunch/Posters (The Hartley Suite, Building 38)
14.00-14.35 “Alzheimer's Disease: a multifactorial condition of the ageing blood vessels”, Dr Roxana Carare, School of Medicine
14.35-15.20 The KEYNOTE LECTURE will be given by Professor John Rothwell (Professor of Human Neurophysiology, UCL Institute of Neurology). “Using TMS to understand and modulate the role of motor cortex in learning and rehabilitation”
15.20-16.00 Tea/Posters (Hartley Suite, Building 38)
16.00-16.45 The GUEST SPEAKER will be Professor Raymond Tallis; “Why Neuroscience will Never Explain Consciousness”. Professor Tallis is a Southampton alumnus (Wessex Neurological Centre), Emeritus Professor of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Manchester, Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, former government advisor and acclaimed author and philosopher.
16.45 Closing Remarks and poster prizes, Professor Lindy Holden-Dye; Wine Reception (Building 30)
Although this event is free to attend, please email Debbie Buck to register.