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Professor Derek McGhee PhD, FRSA, FAcSS

Head of Social Sciences, Professor of Sociology

Professor Derek McGhee's photo

Professor Derek McGhee is Head of Social Sciences within Social Sciences: Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology at the University of Southampton.

Derek McGhee joined the Division in January 2000. He studied for his first degree in the Department of Sociology at the University of Plymouth, and then completed an MA in Cultural Studies and a PhD in Sociology at Lancaster University. His teaching interests reflect his research interests and also encompass criminology. He is the author of four research monographs Homosexuality, Law & Resistance (Routledge 2001) and Intolerant Britain? Hate, Citizenship & Difference (Open University Press 2005); The End of Multiculturalism? Terrorism, Integration & Human Rights (Open University Press 2008); and Security, Citizenship & Human Rights - Shared Values in Uncertain Times (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).

Research interests

Professor Derek McGhee is Professor of Sociology and Head of Social Sciences at the University of Southampton. His primary research areas are EU migration in the UK, his most recent ESRC Centre for Population Change and ESRC UK in a Changing EU funded projects have focused on Polish migrants participation in the Scottish Independence Referendum (with Dr Emilia Pietka-Nykaza); and, the impact of Brexit on EU migrants living in the UK(with Dr Cristian Moreh). In addition, Prof McGhee, who is also the Director of the China Research Centre, conducts research with Dr Shaoying Zhang (Shanghai University of Political Science & Law) on Governance in China. Our second book together ( Ethical Revolution & Gaining Legitimacy: Reforming the Communist party Through it’s Civil Servants ) was published in 2017.

Recent Research Grants
ESRC Centre for Population Change II, (Co-Lead of the Migration Strand);
ESRC UK in a Changing EU, (Co-investigator);
ESRC Cross-Investment Fund grant, (Principle Investigator)

Work in Progress
Work continues on the ESRC Centre for Population Change and ESRC UK in a Changing EU funded projects that focus on Polish migrants participation in the Scottish Independence Referendum and the impact of Brexit on EU migrants living in the UK. In addition, I am continuing to work on projects on China with Dr Shaoying Zhang. Building on the success of our first two book focusing on governance in China, we are currently conducting fieldwork on a project on rural poverty alleviation in China.

Research grants and contracts

2008 - 2008

Award holder(s) Funding body Title
McGhee (PI), Leonard (Co-I) Improvement and Development Agency Give & Take – The Impact of European Accession State Migration on Southampton


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
Falkingham (PI), McGhee et al (Co-Is) ESRC Centre fort Population Change


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
McGhee (PI) Anderson, Oxford ESRC, Cross Investment Funding University (Co-I) Tried and Trusted? The role of NGOs in Asylum Seeker and Irregular migrant assisted voluntary returns.


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
Falkingham (PI), McGhee et al (Co-Is) ESRC Centre for Population Change II


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
Falkingham (PI), McGhee et al (Co-Is) ESRC, UK in a Changing EU Programme Implications of the EU Independence Referendum and a possible Brexit


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
Moreh (PI), McGhee and Pietka-Nykaza (Co-Is) The Sociological Review Foundation The Sociology of Brexit


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
McGhee (PI), Pathak (Co-I) AHRC, Connected Communities Programme An investigation of social capital networks amongst faith communities in Southampton


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
McGhee (PI), Meek (Co-I) London Probation Evaluation of London Probation’s gang awareness and hate crime Programmes


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
McGhee (PI) London Probation Peer Review of London Probation’s Diversity and Prejudice Programmes


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
Kalwant Bhopal (PI), McGhee (Co-I) West Sussex County Council The Barrier to the Educational Inclusion of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children in West Sussex


Award holder(s) Funding body Title
Derek McGhee (PI), Bhopal (Co-I) ESRC (NCRM) The Methodological Challenges of Researching Hard to Reach Groups: Seminar Series

Research project(s)

Co-operative social capital? Mapping emergent connectivities across communities

Family and Household Formations amongst Polish Migrants to the UK since 2004

Head of Social Sciences

Derek McGhee usually teaches in year 1, 2 and 3 on our undergraduate programmes. He convenes the following modules: SOCI2006: Crime and society and he convenes the single module SOCI3010: Crime, space and social control and its co-requisite (project module) SOCI3043.

Derek McGhee also teaches on PGT module and supervises 8 MPhil/PhD students.

Professor Derek McGhee
University of Southampton Faculty of Social and Human Sciences Building 32 Room 1037
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