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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute Postgraduate study

Mr Steve Donbavand

Postgraduate Research Student

Mr Steve Donbavand's photo

Mr Steve Donbavand is Postgraduate Research Student within Social Sciences: Social Statistics & Demography at the University of Southampton.


MSc Social Research Methods and Statistics


Steve has worked as a researcher in the public and private sector on a wide range of social issues. In general, his interests are focused on improving the accuracy of the measurement of social phenomenon. His current work involves the development and application of Poverty Mapping methods.

Research interests

Steve is currently evaluating and extending existing methods used in Poverty Mapping, The techniques are taken from Small Area Estimation and allow the researcher to make reliable estimates of poverty in areas where the availability of data is limited. Steve is interested in how these techniques perform under different assumptions and how they might be modified to best reflect the populations to which they are applied.

PhD research

Mapping Poverty: the application and evaluation of model-based approaches to poverty level estimation within small areas.

Supervisor: Dr Nikos Tzavidis

Steve has worked as a teaching assistant on several undergraduate and master’s level courses within Social Sciences.

Mr Steve Donbavand
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ UK
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