In my fourth year at Southampton University I chose to carry out research for my BMedSci in the field of Paediatric Neurology. My project supervisor for the year was Dr Catherine Hill who is a consultant in paediatric sleep medicine at Southampton General Hospital. My research project was entitled “a study to determine the prevalence and phenotype of rhythmic movement disorder in children with Down syndrome”.
On the 15th September 2016, I travelled to Bologna, Italy to present my research at the 23rd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. This was a great experience! I was able to discuss my work with experts from across the world and learn about current research in many different aspects of sleep medicine.
I have compiled some tops tips for conference presentations (oral or poster) which I hope will be useful for students in the future!
• Be confident- believe in yourself
• Smile
• Speak clearly at a steady pace – English may not be everyone’s first language
• Prepare but don’t rehearse
• Encourage questions – don’t be afraid to leave things open
• Be aware of the theoretical/medical terms you use – don’t overcomplicate the presentation
• Use hand gestures
• Know your research like the back of your hand
• Sell your work in the first ten seconds
• Engage in conversation – people better understand the content with explanations
• Use a decent font size
• Arrange in columns or boxes – this makes it easier to read and follow
• Underline and bold your subheadings
• Write with clarity and precision – every sentence on a poster should help convey the message
• Use a chart/graph for simple portrayal of a complex set of data
• Include a clear, concise abstract and set of conclusions – people with little time will read these first
• Make yourself easy to remember – be attentive, open and curious (but not arrogant)