Seminars take place Thursdays 14:00-15:00 in room 34/4005 unless otherwise noted.
5 October 2023: Ray d'Inverno and James Vickers (University of Southampton)
Teaching Relativity and Writing a book - Random thoughts from two Emeritus Professors
12 October 2023: Jamboree
Gravity researchers present their work in 1-slide talks
19 October 2023: No seminar
26 October 2023: Lionel London (King's College)
Learning more from Teukolsky’s radial equation for quasi-normal modes
27 October 2023: Zach Nasipak (NASA) [UNUSUAL DAY AND PLACE: FRIDAY 14:00, KETLEY ROOM]
BHPWAVE: A perturbative waveform model for binaries with spinning massive black holes
1 November 2023: Rachel Gray (University of Glasgow) [UNUSUAL DAY AND PLACE: WEDNESDAY, 58/1039]
Using gravitational waves to solve the Hubble tension
9 November 2023: Stephen Fairhurst (Cardiff University) [COLLOQUIUM, 13:00 in 46/2005]
The future of gravitational-wave astronomy
10 November 2023: Riccardo Gonzo (University of Edinburgh) [UNUSUAL DAY AND PLACE: FRIDAY, KETLEY ROOM]
Spinning waveforms from classical amplitudes
16 November 2023: Kostas Glampedakis (University of Murcia) [ONLINE SEMINAR]
Rethinking the MHD equilibrium of relativistic stars
23 November 2023: Matt Middleton (University of Southampton) [POSTPONED DUE TO SPINS-UK]
Ultraluminous X-ray sources: where extremes meet
30 November 2023: Marco Bruni (University of Portsmouth) [CANCELED]
Simulating the Universe with Numerical Relativity
7 December 2023: Violetta Sagun (University of Coimbra)
Probes of dark matter with neutron stars and their mergers
14 December 2023: Silvia Trabucco (Gran Sasso) [UNUSUAL TIME: 15:00]
Glitches in Rotating Supersolids
Christmas Break
11 January 2024:
Andrew Baggaley
(Newcastle University)
The approach and separation of bundles of quantised vorticity
Exam Period
1 February 2024: No Seminar
8 February 2024: Alejandra Gonzalez (Jena)
Gravitational Waveform Accuracy from Numerical Relativity Simulations of Binary Neutron Stars
15 February 2024: David Trestini (Czech Academy of Sciences)
22 February 2024: Athanasios Giannakopolous (Nottingham)
Hyperbolicity of general relativity in Bondi-like coordinates
29 February 2024: No seminar
7 March 2024: Ian Hawke (Southampton)
Turbulence modelling in neutron star merger simulations
14 March 2024: Daniela Cors (Cambridge)
Critical collapse beyond spherical symmetry
21 March 2024: Liina Chung-Jukko (King’s College)
Multimessenger signals from axion star mergers
Easter Break
25 April 2024: Daniel Arean (Madrid)
2 May 2024: Jan Plefka (Berlin) [COLLOQUIUM, in 06/1077]
Classical Black Hole Scattering from a World-Line Quantum Field Theory
9 May 2024: Matthew Middleton (Southampton) [CANCELED]
Ultraluminous X-ray sources: where extremes meet
16 May 2024: Yves Kini (Amsterdam)
Pulse profile modeling of thermonuclear burst oscillations
23 May 2024: Marco Bruni (Portsmouth)
Nonlinearity in relativistic cosmology of the late and early Universe
Fabian Gittins
Michael Kenna-Allison
Nils Andersson